St Bernard Parish Boundary Lines.
St Bernard Parish worshipping at St Camillus Church is a territorial parish with the following boundaries in the city of Fitchburg.
Starting at the Fitchburg - Westminster town line at Ashburnham Hill Road, north along the Fitchburg-Westminster boundary to the Fitchburg - Ashby boundary, then east along the Fitchburg-Ashby boundary to the Fitchburg-Lunenburg boundary, then south along the Fitchburg-Lunenburg boundary to Lunenburg Street, then west along Lunenburg Street to Moran Square, then west to Main street, west on Main Street to River Street, southwest on River Street to Sheldon Street, north on Sheldon Street to West Street, east on West Street to Ashburnham Hill Road then northwest on Ashburnham Hill Road to the city line.
Other properties that belong to the parish are not located within the parish boundary.
St Bernard Elementary School is located off Summer Street.
St Bernard Cemetery is located of St Bernard Street.
St Bernard Central High School off of Harvard Street is not ours
But the land it sits on is ours.
St Bernard Activity Center is also not ours but sits on our land.
The Bernardian Bowl is our property.